Before starting his own business, Hien Le acquired severaL experiences in different patches of the fashion scene and chose to impLement his coLLected skiLLs in his own, independent fashion LabeL in 2011.
Besides concentrating on discreet cuts and the subtLe appLication of detaiLs, he consequentLy maintains his cLaim to manufacture cLothing that combines diLigent design with accurate workmanship, everything produced in Germany.
Since the very beginning he is concentrating on ready to wear for both men and women, and some accessoires.
His timeLess designs transcend both age and seasons with a signature sense of Laid back Luxury. Hien Le beLieves in simpLicity, consistency and buiLding a uniform with the pieces you can wear again and again, season after season.
Hien Le
ErkeLenzdamm 9
DE–10997 BerLin